David G Silvers Cancillería del Ecuador

Assange is free, but freedom of speech is still imprisoned!

Assange is free, but freedom of speech is still imprisoned!

December 5, 2024
John Y. Jones

Following the release of Julian Assange, news commentator at the Oslo based quarterly Ny Tid, John Y. Jones writes, it has been proven “beyond reasonable doubt” that our judicial system is rigged, that justice does not prevail, and that thugs rule.

A WIFE, two children, and parents have gotten back their Julian Assange today, June 26, 2024. Of course, we shall celebrate this. Together with the tens of thousands of hardworking activists around the world, we will celebrate. Julian avoided the gruesome fate of incarceration in US terrorist prisons. The treatment he received was inhumane and unbelievable for a journalist only doing his job: publishing incredibly vicious US war crimes.

But Julian’s supporters are not over the moon. Not only was Julian forced to pay for his own flight from Stansted to his native Australia, but under the threat of otherwise facing a slow death in an American torture prison, Julian eventually gave in to the thugs in the US and UK government offices. Furthermore, our Scandinavian elected representatives and media have cowardly and quietly applauded these scumbags.

Scandinavians today should not forget that without the incomprehensible treatment Julian received from the Swedish government, and the illegal acts of the Swedish judicial system, partly aided by and partly abusing two Swedish women who enjoyed Julian’s charm and sexual intimacy, this could have been stopped. They all had the power to prevent the sad treatment of Julian. They did not. They allowed Julian to be sent on a tour of an incredible 13 years in exile and harsh prison treatment.

Papers have been illegally burnt in the dark rooms of the judiciary in Sweden. In the UK, the likely new prime minister, then chief state prosecutor Keir Starmer, executed his machinations on behalf of the US against Julian in secret. Additionally, a judge wrote her verdict before listening to the arguments and evidence. A travesty of justice.

In Scandinavia too, a large volume of shame will be written about the many betrayers of Julian: Norwegian Aftenposten, Morgenbladet, Bergens Tidende, Den Norske Helsingforskomite, as well as NRK’s Dagsnytt Atten. A sleepy and united Norwegian Storting has allowed our own government to fail in upholding the UN’s sacred conventions on human rights, letting them believe that signing these conventions does not commit them to action against torture, illegal imprisonment, or inhumane treatment.

In Sweden, Arne Ruth has been a staunch supporter of Julian. I was shocked to hear that he has been denied publication in the paper he headed for 16 years, Dagens Nyheter. I take this as indicative of the lack of fairness and openness in Swedish media today. To a Norwegian like me, this evokes memories of the behavior of Swedish media during WW2: “En Svensk tiger.” Not exactly the most honorable part of Swedish media history.

This is how they all have betrayed not only Julian, freedom of expression, and human rights, but also ridiculed the UN itself.

Julian is free, but we are still imprisoned, clipped, and poorer. It has been proven “beyond reasonable doubt” that our judicial system is rigged, that justice does not prevail, and that thugs rule. The war criminals and murderers are not in prison. The liars and cowards are still at the helm in our mainstream media and parliaments.

Nevertheless, for a few days we can afford not to think about them, but simply rejoice with a free Julian Assange, his wife, and his two children, Gabriel and Max. And that is something!

Julian Assange rally, foto: John Englart
John Y. Jones